Mud Slingers Pool & Patio
Mud Slingers Pool & Patio


Pros and Cons of Having a Pool Installed Versus Purchasing a Home with a Pool
When thinking about a pool for yourself or for your family, it is strictly a personal choice. Some house hunters won’t look at homes that do not come with a pool. Others buy their dream home and then later decide to have a pool installed. So which is best for you?
Here are a few points to keep in mind before you make your next move:
  • If you fall in love with a home that has a pool, but you never considered a pool, make sure you will use it and learn to care for it
  • Buying a pool with a home already installed will likely take some time for you to learn how the equipment works. If it’s been installed for many years, some updates may be needed
  • People who decide to have a pool installed have more time  to plan where the pool will go and what equipment they will need to care for it
  • Those who plan for a pool installation can customize their pool exactly how they want it
Whatever you decide, you can look to Mud Slingers for equipment recommendations and pool installations. Give us a call at (317) 650 – 5131.

Four Tips for Opening Your Pool
Spring has officially sprung, and now is the time to begin your pool opening process. There are a few things you can do ahead of time to make your opening run smoothly.
Here are a few tips to consider:
  1. Get right to the deck: Before you actually take a peek at your pool, look at the surroundings. Your pool deck may need a good scrub. Check for bushes and plants that may have grown too close to the pool.
  2. Check your tools: Do you need to purchase new tools and pool chemicals? If you don’t, make sure to check all expiration dates on bottles and containers.
  3. Inspect the pool: Check underwater lights, the filter, pump, tile and anything else on your list that may or may not have been damaged from the winter season.
  4. Test the water: Before adding any chemicals you think your pool may need, make sure to test the water first.
These tips are just a handful to consider in conjunction with your normal pool opening routine. If you find yourself with more questions, give us a call at (317) 650-5131 and we would be happy to help you open your pool.

